Minutes of Saktyavesh Board Meeting held on 14-15/Feb/2009

Attendees: Ananth, Aneesh, Prakash, Vinay

Place: Chennai - Meeran, Mukesh & Prakash’s house

Deadlines: There was a discussion on whether to scrap “setting deadlines” since some important deadlines had been missed. It was later unanimously decided that we will set realistic deadlines and everyone will work with full commitment/sincerity towards achieving them.

Excel sheet to be maintained on all current action items and regularly monitored. This file will be uploaded on to google docs. Audit to be done every fortnight on action items to check progress.


· Photos and the photo format on the website will be changed by Chary. Once this is completed, this work will be handed over to Gangadharan . Gangadharan will then check the source code related to the Mozilla firefox browser display issue.

· 3D logo of Saktyavesh is being designed by Chary. Once ready, this logo will be sent out to all board members for review. Based on the feedback, we can decide whether or not to change the existing logo with the 3d logo.

· Changes:

1. “How can I Contribute” to be added on the top menu of the website. This will contain brief information on how an individual can contribute to Saktyavesh’s cause. This page will also have a “Join Us” link at the bottom.

2. “Partners” will be moved from the top menu of the website to the menu on the right hand side under “Ideas”.

3. “Innovation” link to be removed.

4. Projects: This page will contain a list of all the projects which we have currently undertaken. Each project will contain a brief introduction about 4 to 5 lines. There will be a link which says “Click here for more details” below the brief introduction for each project. Once this link is chosen, there will be more details on this project on the entire page along with the link to the blogspot for this project. Also, all photos on the webpage will change to the photos linked to this project.

5. “Forum” to be replaced by blog.

6. Our current blog will also contain another sub section of blogs for each Project. This blog will contain all details about each Project. Prakash will look for templates to incorporate projects blog into the current blog.

7. Blog will be moved from the right side menu to the top menu on the website.

8. “Photo gallery” which will include all photos will be included on the right side of the website.

9. “Members list” will be moved from right side menu to top menu under “About us”.

10. “Join Us” will be included on right side menu and also on “How do I Contribute” page.\

11. “Join Us” will be made available on our website only after Savings bank account is created.

12. “News & Events” will be like a scroll on our main page with updates on current activites planned.

Bank Account: Transfer of bank account from current SBI Branch to another SBI Branch and then to create a new Savings account in same SBI Branch.

Future Board meetings to be held in May, August & November. Venue and date to be decided.

Conference call timings has been changed to 10.30 PM to 11 PM. Everybody to make sure that the call starts sharp at 10.30PM and to make sure that it ends by 11 PM. Agenda on the conf call to be sent out by Monday and further additions to be made by others if necessary.

Roadmap to be discussed in next Board meeting. No more postponements.

Org structure of Saktyavesh to be discussed in next board meeting.

Review of board member roles & responsibilities document.

Set clear expectations with the school that we do not entertain urgent requests on any items which the school might require. Inform them that we have to get approval from Saktyavesh board and hence they will have to give us at least 4 days to meet any urgent requirement (this will again depend on the approval by the Board)

Finalize the list of basic requirements of school. This list was earlier discussed in the previous board meeting held in Bangalore. This list will be further reviewed and finalized.

Rs.2000 will be the maximum amount which can be used without consent from other Board members to meet Urgent requests from school provided the requirement falls into the basic requirement list. If an Urgent request comes up more than once in a month, it will need to be discussed with the board.

Any Board member can send out Feedback(requesting feedback) mails. Make sure that the subject line includes “FEEDBACK REQUIRED”. 3 days will be the limit to provide feedback.

Rs.1000 will be the maximum amount which can be used for the monthly activity planned per school.

Mail to be sent out 1 week before the monthly activity is scheduled in school. This mail will contain the details of the events to be conducted and the items/prizes required to successfully accomplish the event.

Regulation of Activities:

· MOU to be signed with the schools. We will be jointly responsible for all events to be conducted with the school. We will be facilitators for all these events, however the primary responsibility will lie with the school.

· Emergency situation where an individual is injured or has health issues while conducting Saktyavesh activities – All contact information related to Ambulance, Police station, Doctor, nearest hospital to be always kept ready before any activity is conducted. Rs.10,000 will be the amount which can be used from Saktyavesh account during such emergencies. If the amount crosses 10K, then we will have to contact School/Parents/Others to collect the rest of the amount.

Attached excel sheet has all the Action items…

Please add if I have missed any points. If you need any further clarification on any points, please do let me know.

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