Saktyavesh in National Middle School

It all started with when a group of people all young and energetic came together to work and sponsor for our National Middle School by doing the following

Needs of the School

1. They sponsored SLM kit (Self Learning Material for Math’s) for ABL students for easy learning methodology
2. Also they bought the storing material for the ABL cards and mat for the children to sit
3. A small library is created by buying books for the library and a steel almirah to keep the library books safe
4. For the children’s extracurricular activities they bought carom board, chess and skipping rope
5. They provided Basic necessities like lights
6. Last but not the least they gifted TV for the children to view educational CD’s


The entire group involve very much in al the school functions like Independence day, Christmas day celebration and Childrens day. During the celebration time they conducted quizzes and games and encouraged the children to participate by giving useful gifts. During Christmas day celebration they distributed gifts to every child in the School

The Leader of the team(Prakash) used to get the updates of all the School activities. During the Childrens day celebration Mr. Aneesh visited us, interacted with the children and staffs for the upkeeping and improvement of the School. Finally their motto was to develop and make the School as the Model School

As a Head Mistress of the School, I would like to express my sincere thanks to “Saktyavesh” for their generous contribution for their time and their kinds

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