Fwd: !!! Thank you !!! Next Steps !!!

Namaste All,


5 years is a good time to reflect on long journey. A good time to feel happy about the achievements, learn from the mistakes, make course correction

and move forward. The intention to make a positive difference in the sphere of Education made us to start Saktyavesh. The intention was to work

with focus and that's why we registered the organization. During the past 5+ years, many of you have intended, acted, volunteered, supported in

different ways for this cause. Whole hearted thanks to all of you


Work till now:


                 Now that we have worked on this for more than 5 years, it's time to reflect. To reflect, how much impact our effort had. So to summarize, we were

able to achieve the following:

è Increase student attendance

è Decrease the students dropout

è Improve the Educational environment

è Increase competitiveness among the students

We consistently achieved the above in different ways – by sponsoring two volunteer Teachers in two Govt Schools, providing uniforms to the children, sponsoring events

to make the children more participatory – sponsoring educational tools etc…. There were some people who actively contributed by being on the ground

and working with the Teachers and there were some who contributed remotely with their financial donations. And in terms of donations alone we contributed

more than 4 ½ lakhs directly for all these. There were no overhead expense except for website maintenance, auditor fees and SBI bank transfer charges.

Apart from this, all the donations received were directly channeled to the cause of education



Current and next steps:


From being very active in the weekly visits to the Schools, there was a decline in the number of people who used to visit the Schools (there may be different reasons)

Now for the past many months, we are only supporting the two volunteer Teachers and taking adhoc requests from the School Teacher on Schools requirement.

I think this is a good approach to follow. Below are the next steps:

è We continue supporting the two volunteer Teachers

è We take adhoc requests from the Schools

è Keep monitoring the above two

Note: If there is a request to support any School, we can do. But we have to make sure that there is someone to monitor our work constantly



Couple of points as we move forward:


è If anyone wants to receive the communication, please let know by replying to this mail. Communication will be sent to them only

è Our website is down. We may not renew it, since we have only two projects. We can host the same information in other form – say a blog

è The finance excel sheet, shall be shared in other way – using google docs



If there is any feedback, questions or suggestions, please let know

You can also reach me @ 9740866115

To hear about the impact of the our work directly, you may also contact Sheela Teacher directly (8971749859)

(Sheela Teacher is the in-charge of the School that we work )



Closing thoughts – It's important to realize that we are lucky, lucky to have born into good families, lucky to have parental care, good education, lucky not to worry about our next meal,

lucky to have good job etc..  There are so many of our fellow brethren, who may not be as lucky as us. Those who have to bother about their next meal, their  profession etc..

And it's not just the imperative of the Govt, but also its citizens to take care of such people – so do your bit

 "... ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" - John F Kennedy



Thank you all once again for your support and contribution

Aneesh Kumar

+91 9740866115