25 Jan 2010

Government lower primary school, Bangalore

  • Republic day function - Tomorrow there is a republic day function at the school. The Teacher had invited us for the function at 7.30 AM
  • Hindi Exam - Hindi Exam for children which we are sponsoring is scheduled on 14th February 2010. The preparation for the exam is going on
National Middle School, Chennai
  • The School is closed and there is no planned function for Republic Day

Feel encouraged to communicate each of your thoughts & ideas. It will help us deliver better.
Do spread the message of Saktyavesh in letter and in spirit with interested individuals and organization.

18th January 2010

There are no major updates for this week

Note: There is a project being initiated nationwide by Government of India under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) where a survey is conducted to understand and exactly know the number of children who are new born, number of children who are drop outs from different classes, number of children who are not attending Schools etc.. This is a massive survey where Government School Teachers are taking part reaching out door to door and getting answers for different questions. This data will be collated and used for the coming academic year to know the enrollment status, better challenge illiteracy etc…

11 January 2010

We are joined by T. Sreekanth who will be working with us on Education and Healthcare development for economically weaker sections of the society. We warmly welcome you Sreekanth. Looking forward to work with you

Government Lower Primary School, Bangalore

  • Salary for Mrs. Rajeshwari Teacher, whom we are sponsoring, has been contributed


  • The auditor fees of Rs 3000, has been paid last week. The next process is to apply for 12(A)

  • Why 12(A) ? - Registration of an organisation under the Clause 12 A of Indian Income Tax Act 1961 is required for preventing its income from deduction by the Department of Income Tax

Do communicate your ideas & comments. Feel free to spread the message of Saktyavesh in letter and in spirit with interested individuals and organizations

04 January 2010

National Middle School, Chennai

  • The School re-opened today and the results of half yearly exams were announced today

Government Lower Primary School, Bangalore

  • School is scheduled to re-open on 09th January 2010, the coming Saturday

Do express your ideas/suggestions

Feel free to spread the message of Saktyavesh in letter and in spirit with interested individuals and organizations