14 December 2009

National Middle School, Chennai

  • Half yearly exams for the Children starts this Wednesday (16th December 2009)
  • Christmas celebration is planned the coming Saturday, 19th December 2009. We can conduct different activities on the day (games, dance, drama etc… ). Friends who would like to participate, kindly let know. It will be a good time to meet and exchange ideas as well.
  • As the School comes under SSA (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) they have received Rs 12,000. From this Rs 5900 has been spent on racks, Rs 3000 on a tape recorder. The remaining amount is planned for the toys, for Children

Board meeting

  • The board meeting took place on 12th & 13th December 2009 in Bangalore. The current activities/tasks, immediate tasks which needs attention, future plans and challenges were discussed. The intention is to share information on each and every activity and involve people on the tasks that each individual would be interested in. If any of you think that there is a lack of information or lack of opportunities, feel free to express (possibly with thoughts on improvement)

Feel encouraged to voice your opinion. Do spread the message of Saktyavesh in letter and in spirit with interested individuals and organizations

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