03 May 2010

Participation – Feedback needed

  • Each one of us would have received an email from Ananthakrishnan, individually, seeking information on how we would like to participate, work etc…. This information shall be collected, stored and will help when we organize activities or whenever there is a need for a resource person etc…. If any of you have not received such an email, kindly let know. This is to better organize the way we work. Based on each of your inputs you will be contacted further, if needed

National Middle School,(Chennai)

  • Exams are over and the summer vacations have started. The School is scheduled to re-open during the first week of June 2010
  • There is a plan to organize a rally in the nearby areas of the School. The purpose of the rally/campaign is to encourage students who are not attending schools to attend Schools. Armed with pamphlets, the plan is to have the Staff and volunteers visit as many household as possible and motivate those who are not attending Schools to take up Schooling. This is planned in the month of June 2010

Hyderabad Meeting

  • Project look out - We had a meeting in Hyderabad. 5 friends (Ananth, Srinivas G, Srinivas A, Krishna Chaitanya & Sreekanth) met and discussed on the plan/strategy to find a project in Hyderabad. Since Schools are closed for summer holidays we may not be able to visit Schools for evaluation for our project. But everyone agreed to look out for some leads for our project

Balance sheet

  • The latest balance sheet has been uploaded on our website . Request you to check (the below link) and let know if any of your contribution is not captured
  • http://saktyavesh.org/Finance.html
  • You can make a donation using the below credentials

    Payee Name: Saktyavesh
    Bank Name: State Bank of India
    City: BANGALORE (if not there then try for Bengaluru)
    Branch code: 9046(SBIN0009046)
    Account Number: 30533359540
    Account Type: Current

  • Request you to kindly communicate your contributions via email or just add a note (saying "from xxxxxxxxx") when making a transfer. This shall help us track the donor
  • All monetary contributions shall be confirmed/acknowledged within a week’s time by email

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