Saktyavesh weekly update - 22nd August 2011

Dear All,


Government Lower Primary School, Vibhuthipura, Bangalore


Volunteer Teacher – The new volunteer Teacher whom we are sponsoring has been attending School starting 13th August 2011. This Teacher's presence

          becomes all the more important now as another regular Teacher has gone on Maternity leave and there is no replacement. So now the School which has
          classes up to 5th standard has only 4 Teachering staff. 2 regular Teacher and 2 volunteer Teacher (one sponsored by us and one by another NGO)

                                  Thanks to Rajesh, Ananth and Kamesh for sponsoring this volunteer Teacher's salary (Rs 2500)



Do spread the message of our work with interested individuals who share similar interest


Thank you

 GOD Bless

Aneesh Kumar on behalf of

Saktyavesh ~ Lets make a Better Tomorrow   <- see here for historical weekly updates

Vision: To be a platform and an enabler for positive social change by focusing on two critical areas of community development namely Education and Healthcare

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