Saktyavesh weekly update - 25th June 2012

Dear All,


Government Lower Primary School, Vibhuthipura, Bangalore:


 Campaign for better enrollment: During this time of the academic year, like every time, the Staff

                        of the School are involved in attracting more students to join School. The Staff of the

                        School have been personally visiting the homes of prospective children – talking about

                        the facilities offered in the School, and encouraging them to attend School


An appeal-Used Dresses: If you/your known friends have a girl child at home and if there are dresses in

                        in sound condition and which are not being used, then kindly request you to  donate them

                        to us. There is a tent School, where there are Children's of daily wage earners who

                        need them


Thank you

GOD Bless

Aneesh Kumar on behalf of

Saktyavesh ~ Lets make a Better Tomorrow <- see here for historical weekly updates
Vision: To be a platform and an enabler for positive social change by focusing on two critical areas of community development namely Education and Healthcare


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