Saktyavesh weekly update - 23 July 2012

Dear All,


Government Lower Primary School, Vibhuthipura, Bangalore


A Need: In 2009 & 2011 we had donated uniforms for the children (pics in the link)

                and we received amazing feedback – from the staff - saying that the children

                looked neat and clean – like children from private schools


                This academic year, we are giving uniforms for the news joinees only. 60 children

                If anyone would like to donate, please feel welcome

                (for a single pair, for boys, the cost is Rs 260 approx & for girls, Rs 350)

Thank you

Aneesh Kumar
Saktyavesh ~ Lets make a Better Tomorrow <- see here for historical weekly updates
Vision: To be a platform and an enabler for positive social change by focusing on two critical areas of community development namely Education and Healthcare

Saktyavesh weekly update - 16th July 2012

Dear All,


Government Lower Primary School, Vibhuthipura, Bangalore


Uniform: For the current academic year 2012-13, there are approximately 60 new children who have joined

                   As usual, one regular uniform has been provided by the Government. To maintain hygiene, we had provided

                   Uniforms the previous academic years. For these new children also, the Teacher has requested us to

                   Provide the uniforms


     For a boy the total cost would come to Rs 260 approx for a pair (clothes + stitching charges)

     For a girl the total cost would come to Rs 350 approx for a pair (clothes + stitching charges)

    If anyone  would like to contribute, one or more uniform pairs, please let know




Thank you

Aneesh Kumar on behalf of
Saktyavesh ~ Lets make a Better Tomorrow <- see here for historical weekly updates
Vision: To be a platform and an enabler for positive social change by focusing on two critical areas of community development namely Education and Healthcare

Saktyavesh weekly update - 09th July 2012

Dear All,
Teachers Salary:


                The Volunteer Teaching Staffs that we are sponsoring at Government Lower Primary School, Vibhuthipura and

                Lal Bahadur Sashtri Nagar Tent School has been paid. Thank you Ananth, Rajesh, Pavan, Kamesh and Hariharan

                for sponsoring this cause


Government Lower Primary School, Vibhuthipura, Bangalore:


            The new fans that we have donated have been fitted at Government Lower Primary School

            Thank you donors for the contributions
PS: We are working on getting our online account ready. Once done we shall send the balance sheet. Apologies for the delay


Thank you

Aneesh Kumar on behalf of

Saktyavesh ~ Lets make a Better Tomorrow <- see here for historical weekly updates
Vision: To be a platform and an enabler for positive social change by focusing on two critical areas of community development namely Education and Healthcare