Saktyavesh weekly update - 23 July 2012

Dear All,


Government Lower Primary School, Vibhuthipura, Bangalore


A Need: In 2009 & 2011 we had donated uniforms for the children (pics in the link)

                and we received amazing feedback – from the staff - saying that the children

                looked neat and clean – like children from private schools


                This academic year, we are giving uniforms for the news joinees only. 60 children

                If anyone would like to donate, please feel welcome

                (for a single pair, for boys, the cost is Rs 260 approx & for girls, Rs 350)

Thank you

Aneesh Kumar
Saktyavesh ~ Lets make a Better Tomorrow <- see here for historical weekly updates
Vision: To be a platform and an enabler for positive social change by focusing on two critical areas of community development namely Education and Healthcare

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