Saktyavesh weekly update - 07 February 2011

Dear All,


Government Lower Primary School, Vibhuthipura, Bangalore


Teacher's Salary – The Teachers salary for the volunteer Teacher (Mrs. Rajeshwary) that we are sponsoring has been paid for this month. Thanks to Ananth

      and Rajesh for partly sponsoring this


School information on the Blog – A brief School information has been put on our blog with the details of the School, what the Government provides, what we

did till now, current activities. Access the following link to view it -

Do let know if you feel any basic information is missing or this information can be better presented



Do put forward your ideas and spread the message of our work with interested individuals and organizations

Thank you

GOD Bless

Aneesh Kumar on behalf of

Saktyavesh ~ Lets Make a Better Tomorrow <- see here for historical weekly updates

Vision: To be a platform and an enabler for positive social change by focusing on two critical areas of community development namely Education and Healthcare


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