Saktyavesh weekly update - 21 February 2011

Dear All,

Government Lower Primary School, Vibhuthipura, Bangalore

Sports Day – As said in the last weekly update, there is a plan to have a sports day in the coming weeks. Do let know your ideas. Those who have given feedback - Thank you. Shall communicate further details as and when its available

School development meeting – There is a meeting planned this Saturday (tentative) for the development of the School. The Teacher has invited us for the meeting. Do let me know if you plan to attend this meeting (Each of us are most Welcome). If you are not able to come, let me know what points are to be raised. There will be the C.R.P (Cluster Resource Person, from Educational Department) also present. Put forward your views - for the development of the School and the Children

Do spread the message of our work with interested individuals and organizations

Thank you

GOD Bless

Aneesh Kumar on behalf of

Saktyavesh ~ Lets Make a Better Tomorrow <- see here for historical weekly updates

Vision: To be a platform and an enabler for positive social change by focusing on two critical areas of community development namely Education and Healthcare

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