General Body Meeting - 19th April 2008

Congratulations once again for the successful registration of our organization.

As per our earlier discussion in Chennai on 25th November 2007, we had planned to have general body meeting every three months. Once, team from Bangalore traveling to Chennai and next time team from Chennai traveling to Bangalore and so on. Prakash and Pandimurugan had traveled to Bangalore and we should ideally have had all the trustees have a meeting among ourselves this time. I owe an apology to you all for not communicating effectively. This shall not be repeated going forward. There may be situations where some friends among us are not able attend. Apart from such a scenario let’s be regularand committed. This will help us be more effective as an organization and run Saktyavesh professionallywith great results.

We need to run this as a company providing services. We should aim to be one of the most respected and transparent organization providing invaluable service to our society.

A proposal: Being trustees, let each of us define a road map for Saktyavesh, both short term and long term. There needs a good amount of thinking and time for this and I believe a dead line of 12th May 2008 should be fine. Is this ok? Please suggest if it is ok or not? Let’s have realistic goals and strive to achieve that

Any more suggestions are welcome.

Please feel free to write back if any comments/suggestions/opinions

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