Minutes of Board Meeting held on 05/10/2008

Attendees: Ananth, Aneesh, Prakash, Venkat, Vinay
Points discussed and finalized:
* Registration of new members - There will be no fees charged as registration fees.
* Format of Application form for Registration of new members - this is as mentioned in the attached document file.
* Registration Process - Check PPT
* Invitation mail option will be available on portal once everything has been standardized (bank account creation and website completely up with all other details).
* There should be a link on website to send invitation letter.
* There should be a link on website for Registration form.
* Hard copy of reg form is not required. If anyone wants to join Saktyavesh and they dont have internet access, then we can take a print out of the registration form from the website.
* The link for "ideas" on the website will redirect to the the "Ideas" topic on Saktyavesh blogsite.
* Guiding principle for all Board members - Set realistic deadlines for each activity and make sure they are met.
* Only after verification of email, Saktyavesh mailbox will get a mail that a new member has joined Saktyavesh.
* How do we choose a Project?
a) The shcool/institute should be related to education.
b) Visit atleast 3 schools in an area and check if they are lacking in basic facilities like seating (atleast mats) , pure drinking water, facilities like good teaching aids and other materials.
c) if another NGO is playing an active role and they already have plans to improve facilites, then we wouldnt choose such a school.
d) preferably, the school should be conducting classes until 10 standard.
e) School should have proper/clean toilets.
* We will not be providing uniforms, shoes, socks and school bags.
* What we should do better?
a) Make sure that there is pure drinking water at school. Installation of water purifier if necessary.
b) Donate indoor games and sports items to school. Meet with pricincipal of school and emphasize on having sports related activities for children,
c) Donate Notebooks, Cursive writing books, activities books, story books.
d) Distribute 1Re. Cabury's chocolates to all children during the first visit to school every month.
e) Conduct moral science, spoken english classes.
f) Make sure to visit school atleast once every month.
g) Peronsality development classes for high school students.
h) Plan and conduct competitions and distribute prizes.
i) If school doesnt have a toilet, we will have to build toilets if space is available. Check with localites of that area to collect funds for construction. If not able to collect sufficient money, then we will have to check if Saktyavesh can contribute money towards building toilet.
j) Keep check on attendance and ensure that there is less dropouts.
k) Further education plans/counselling for High school students.
l) Arrange medical inspection
m) Active participation during parents-teachers meetings.
* If feedback mail is sent to board members, they should ensure to reply within 3 business days. All feedback requests to board members to be handled by Vinay
* Award children who have good attendance
* Blogsport ownership will be taken up by Prakash
* Continue adding ideas to roadmap for Saktyavesh. The roadmap of each board member can be discussed in next Board meeting.
* Ownership of editing photos and uploading them to website to be taken up by Anant.
* Aneesh to regularly update the milestong PPT.
* Ownership of Conf call to be distributed amongs board members in a round robin manner.

Action Item Owner Deadline
Bank account creation Aneesh, Vinay 17-Oct-08
Create registration form Anant 12-Nov-08
Content for welcome mail Aneesh, Anant 10-Nov-08
Content for invitation mail Aneesh, Anant 10-Nov-08
Content for Information mail Aneesh, Anant 10-Nov-08
Check for db structure, query option, modification, job for Saktyavesh database Aneesh 2-Nov-08
Identify school to help in Chennai Prakash, Pandimurugan, Senthil 31-Dec-08
Identify school to help in Hyderabad Anant 31-Dec-08
Photos and quotes for website Aneesh 21-Oct-08
Pandimurugan, Senthil, Nandhini: Please let us know your thoughts on the points which have been discussed and finalized.

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