Government Lower Primary School - Vibhuthipura, Bangalore

School Name:Government Lower Primary School - Vibhuthipura, Bangalore
Address:Government Lower Primary School, Vibhuthipura, Near Samudaya bhavan
Marathahalli post ,Bangalore 560037
Classes:1st to 5th standard

Staff members:

Now 3 Government Teachers and 2 volunteer Teachers are working in our School

Number of Students: 110+
School Timings: 09:15am to 04:10pm (Prayer: 09:15am - 09:30 am; Lunch break: 12:45pm - 01:45pm)

Introduction of the School:

The School was started on 05th June 2005. The School is run by the Government of Karnataka. Nearly 100 children are studying in this school. From the surrounding locality were either drop outs or did not attend Schools in their life before the start of this School. Many of them were in the age group of 10-11 years.

In order to provide free education to them, Education Department of Karnataka, started this School. Mr. Kantaraju. K, gave this proposal to the Government and started this School. On the first day of the School only 30-50 students were admitted from June to March 2005. The Teachers were deputed to work for this School. In March 2005, Government appointed 2 new Teachers to this School. Miss Sheela joined in March and Miss Kalavathi joined in June. At that time the School strength was 101 students

Initially the classes were conducted in an old building. Later the Government granted Rs 3,60,000 to construct 3 class room building for the School. As the student strength increased to 140 the Government created another Teacher post in the School and one senior Teacher Mr. Sathyanarayana joined from July 2006.

As there was 1 to 5th class with 150 students, in 2008 December, BBMP granted 3 more class rooms in the first floor and it was completed in 2009 February. Currently there are 3 classrooms, 1 computer lab, 1 library and 1 office room. There are 9 computers, 1 printer, 1 TV, 1 three-in-one radio, mike systems. In teaching aids there are Globe, maps. There are desks for 3rd, 4th and 5th standard students, mats for 1st and 2nd standard students. This is the brief about the physical resource of the School. There are 3 Teachers and 2 volunteers Teachers to teach the students

There is a need for function hall to conduct proper classes, Parents Teachers meeting, competitions and to provide food to the students. For that a proposal is submitted and the Education department sanctioned Rs 1,50,000 for the construction. But this amount is not enough to construct that multi-purpose hall and the Government sanctioned Rs 50,000 to create drinking water facility for the Children. Now this work also is done.

In academic side, the 5th standard students got 82%, 85%, 89% in 3 years in K.S.Q.A.O (Karnataka State Quality Assessment Organization) exam which was held by Government for all 5th standard students. And among 17 Government Schools in the cluster, our School got 1st place in all activities and in 2008 September our School got best School prize

In cultural activities and competitions, our School Children went upto district level competitions and ……(2009-2010) year our School Children got 10 prizes in Prathibha Karanji cultural fest

What Government gives for free

Mid-day meal
For SC/ST students
Bags, notebooks, Scholarships (Rs 75), Geometry box

Yearly Rs 5000 is given for the maintenance charge like (Office registers, files, electricity bills, newspaper bills, magazines bills

Contributions by Saktyavesh so far:

Saktyavesh Organization started to work in this School from February 2008.
  • One extra Teacher is sponsored from Saktyavesh. Salary is paid from Saktyavesh every month.
  • Floor Mats
  • Tables
  • School Uniforms
  • Pots & Plants
  • Books
  • Sweets and chocolates (during events)
  • Funds for Hall construction
Current activities

Hall construction is going on. Almost the work is done. All our post have constructions update. Till date we have contributed Rs 70K +. The Head Teacher herself contributed Rs 40K . We have highlighted few of our post about the construction and images below. Still we need good amount of money around 40K. We have lot of dues for brick, cement and sand suppliers. So the work is blocking at the finishing stage. If you are willing to help us in this tough time please contact us in the below numbers and email id.

Aneesh Kumar, Bangalore - - +919740866115
Prakash , Chennai - - +919940082765
Vinay Kumarasamy, Mumbai-

Saktyavesh - cantact us


Hall Construction images 1
Hall Construction images 2

For donations, you can use this below account:

Payee Name
: Saktyavesh
Bank Name : State Bank of India
Branch code : 9046(SBIN0009046)
Account Number : 30533359540
Account Type : Current

Please do send an email with comment you have added in the transaction , your name and amount. This will help us a lot in maintaining funds

1 comment:

Sachin Bhor said...

Thank you for sharing such great information. can you help me in finding out more detail on primary schools in bangalore