29th March 2010

Government Lower Primary School (Bangalore)

  • Meeting Invite – The last Parents & Teachers meeting for this academic year is planned on 07th April 2010. Head Teacher, Sheela Madam, has invited us for this meeting. If any of you would be able to make it, kindly let know
  • The final exams for 3rd, 4th and 5th standard finished last week. Classes for the School is planned till 10th April 2010

National Middle School (Chennai)

  • During the activity which was conducted on 20th March 2010, the total expenses incurred was Rs 1489

Board Meeting

  • The first Board meeting for 2010 is planned on 03rd and 04th of April 2010 in Hyderabad. This would be a time to look at how we are functioning, what better we can do on our work, improving our working relationship with the Schools that we are partnering with, improving interaction among ourselves etc.. A meeting with all the friends who are based out of Hyderabad are also planned

Donation received

  • On 20th March 2010, Pandimurugan donated 8 Sketch pens boxes, 4 Scales, one note book and one duster to National Middle School, Chennai

Do put forward your ideas and suggestions. Feel free to spread the message of Saktyavesh in letter and in spirit with interested individuals and organizations

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