14th June 2010

Government Lower Primary School, Bangalore

We had bought 100 cement packs of cost Rs 225 for total cost Rs 22500 on last Wednesday for Multipurpose hall.  Aneesh had went to the Cement dealer directly and paid the amount.

 The detailed expected expense breakup for multipurpose hall construction

·    6 pillars have been raised, 2 are yet to be raised

·    2 side walls are already up

·    100 bag cements required - 22500 already given by Saktyavesh

·    Hollow block - 3 loads have come - Money not yet paid - Money can be paid after completion of construction.

  Approx cost -

o   6 inch - already purchased 2 load - 200 * 2 = 400 , 1 block is Rs.20, Yet to be purchased - approx 3 more loads required

o   4 inch - already purchased  1 load - 300 * 1 = 300 , 1 block is Rs.18, Yet to be purchased  - approx 2 more loads required

·    Sand - 1 load - Rs. 15000 has been paid by school funds.

·    Sheets for roof (36 in number) to be purchased, windows - 6 windows purchased already - money not yet paid, each window might cost Rs.2000, door - 1 approx, yet to be purchased.

·    For plastering, 1 more load of sand required - approx cost 15000, yet to be purchased.

·    No labour has been paid, account is being maintained and amount will be paid shortly.

·    Iron rods for pillar - Rs.40,000 has been paid from school money.


If any one like to donate to any particular item in the list also welcome.

National Middle School, Chennai

Rally Photos in the below link:


Do put forward your ideas. Feel free to spread the message of Saktyavesh in letter and in spirit with interested individuals and organizations

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